
To hear about the Network’s forthcoming titles, please sign up to our Booksellers newsletter.

We produce an annual catalogue of our presses’ key titles (limited to one per category per press). Click here to see our latest catalogue.

Here are our presses’ forthcoming titles, presented visually (for a list with bibliographic details please see below):

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1036 BOOKS

Titles publishing in the next month

Sian Northey and Ness Owen (editors)

ISBN: 9781913665975

110pp Paperback

27 March 2025

RRP: £12.00

Arachne Press

Kate Zambreno


ISBN: 9781913513689

148pp Paperback

20 March 2025

RRP: £12.00


Kate Zambreno


ISBN: 9781913513665

220pp Paperback

20 March 2025

RRP: £12.00


Charlie McIlwain



52pp Paperback

8 March 2025

RRP: £7.00

sincere corkscrew

Other forthcoming titles

Harry Whitehead


8 September 2025

ISBN: 9781910461808

288pp Paperback

RRP: £12.99

Claret Press

Božena Němcová

Classic Fiction

18 September 2025

ISBN: 9781914990298

300pp Paperback

RRP: £14.99

Jantar Publishing

Amy Lilwall


1 October 2025

ISBN: 9781915789440

320pp Paperback

RRP: £12.99

Fly on the Wall Press

Ann Morgan


1 October 2025

ISBN: 9781804471326

272pp Paperback

RRP: £10

Renard Press

N.B. The tables below are best viewed on a computer or, on mobile, in landscape mode.

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Titles publishing in the next month

NB: For sales and distribution information please click on the publisher’s name (opens in a new tab).

Press NameBook TitleAuthorAge rangeGenreFormatExtentRRPISBNPub Date
Arachne PressAfonydd: Poems for Welsh Rivers/Cerddi Afonydd Cymru Sian Northey and Ness Owen (editors)Adult Paperback110pp£12.00978191366597527/03/25
PrototypeAPPENDIX PROJECT Kate ZambrenoAdult FictionNon-Fiction Paperback148pp£12.00978191351368920/03/25
PrototypeBOOK OF MUTTER Kate ZambrenoAdult FictionNon-Fiction Paperback220pp£12.00978191351366520/03/25
sincere corkscrewElegy [Model Interaction Trend] Charlie McIlwainAdult PoetryPaperback52pp£7.0008/03/25
Ghost Orchid PressEvery Dark Cloud Marisca PichetteAdult Fiction Paperback80pp£9.99978173909189725/03/25
Scorpius BooksFate’s Ambition (Dyslexic-friendly edition) GJ StevensAdult Fiction Paperback644pp£9.99978106876755515/03/25
Scorpius BooksGan Didean Ivy LewisAdult Fiction Paperback150pp£7.99978106876758631/03/25
SRL PublishingOut In Greenwood James A. LyonsYoung Adult Fiction Paperback310pp£9.99978191507340218/03/25
Renard PressTales of Love, Madness and Death Horacio QuirogaAdult Classic Fiction Paperback224pp£8.99978180447092326/03/25
Skein PressThe Oasis Charles LangAdult PoetryPaperback60pp€10978191501716103/03/25
Renard PressThe Rambling Sailor Charlotte MewAdult Classic PoetryPaperback52pp£8.99978180447142512/03/25
Major BooksThe Tale of Kiều Nguyễn DuAdult Classic PoetryPaperback281pp£12.99978191723304021/03/25
Héloïse PressThe Wolves of Staro Selo Zdravka EvtimovaAdult Fiction Paperback272pp£12.95978173845942111/03/25
SarabandThe Zen of the Wild Francis SanzaroAdult Non-Fiction Paperback240pp£8.99978191681234520/03/25
Renard PressTrue to One Another: Poems by Matthew Arnold including Dover Beach, The Scholar-Gipsy, Rugby Chapel, The Forsaken Merman, Sohrab and Rustum Matthew ArnoldAdult Classic PoetryPaperback144pp£8.99978180447144915/03/25
Linden EditionsVoracious Małgorzata LebdaAdult Fiction Paperback234pp£12978106874040413/03/25

All forthcoming titles

NB: For sales and distribution information please click on the publisher’s name (opens in a new tab).

Press NameBook TitleAuthorAge rangeGenreFormatExtentRRPISBNPub Date
Renard PressTrue to One Another: Poems by Matthew Arnold including Dover Beach, The Scholar-Gipsy, Rugby Chapel, The Forsaken Merman, Sohrab and Rustum Matthew ArnoldAdult Classic PoetryPaperback144pp£8.99978180447144915/03/25
Scorpius BooksFate’s Ambition (Dyslexic-friendly edition) GJ StevensAdult Fiction Paperback644pp£9.99978106876755515/03/25
SRL PublishingOut In Greenwood James A. LyonsYoung Adult Fiction Paperback310pp£9.99978191507340218/03/25
SarabandThe Zen of the Wild Francis SanzaroAdult Non-Fiction Paperback240pp£8.99978191681234520/03/25
PrototypeBOOK OF MUTTER Kate ZambrenoAdult FictionNon-Fiction Paperback220pp£12.00978191351366520/03/25
PrototypeAPPENDIX PROJECT Kate ZambrenoAdult FictionNon-Fiction Paperback148pp£12.00978191351368920/03/25
Major BooksThe Tale of Kiều Nguyễn DuAdult Classic PoetryPaperback281pp£12.99978191723304021/03/25
Ghost Orchid PressEvery Dark Cloud Marisca PichetteAdult Fiction Paperback80pp£9.99978173909189725/03/25
Renard PressTales of Love, Madness and Death Horacio QuirogaAdult Classic Fiction Paperback224pp£8.99978180447092326/03/25
Arachne PressAfonydd: Poems for Welsh Rivers/Cerddi Afonydd Cymru Sian Northey and Ness Owen (editors)Adult Paperback110pp£12.00978191366597527/03/25
Scorpius BooksGan Didean Ivy LewisAdult Fiction Paperback150pp£7.99978106876758631/03/25
Wild Hunt BooksThis House Isn’t Haunted But We Are Stephen HowardAdult Fiction PaperbackTBCpp£12.99978173945806503/04/25
SarabandKingfisher Rozie KellyAdult Fiction Paperback212pp£10.99978191681235203/04/25
SRL PublishingNote To Boy Sue ClarkAdult Fiction Paperback290pp£9.99978191507344008/04/25
Mercier PressSpring Seaweed: Feamainn Bhealtaine Máirtín Ó DireáinAdult Classic Non-Fiction Paperback288pp€19.99978191745319608/04/25
Renard PressA White Heron and Other Stories Sarah Orne JewettAdult Classic Fiction Paperback224pp£7.99978180447099209/04/25
Renard PressTime/Life Limited Hardback Edition Catherine MayerAdult Fiction Limited edition hardback208pp£25978180447155509/04/25
Dead InkA/S/L Jeanne ThorntonAdult Fiction Paperback400pp£11.99978191536876810/04/25
Mercier PressWe’d Have Told Each Other Everything Judith HermannAdult Fiction Paperback192pp€14.99978178117811910/04/25
Renard PressAusten’s Couples: Early Romances (Frederic & Elfrida, Jack & Alice, Edgar & Emma, Henry & Eliza) Jane AustenAdult Classic Fiction Paperback80pp£5978180447147015/04/25
Renard PressMiss Burr and Miss Skeene & Men: Early Queer Stories Gertrude SteinAdult Classic Fiction Paperback48pp£5978180447146315/04/25
Linden EditionsIn Late Summer Magdalena BlaževićAdult Fiction Paperback240pp£12978106874042815/04/25
Renard PressGypsy Ballads: A New Translation of the Romancero gitano Federico García LorcaAdult Classic PoetryPaperback128pp£8.99978180447123416/04/25
Renard PressThe Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Gertrude SteinAdult Classic FictionNon-Fiction Paperback256pp£10978180447119730/04/25
Inspired QuillHopefully Ever After James WebsterYoung Adult Adult Fiction PoetryPaperbacktbcpp£9.99978191311729030/04/25
Fly on the Wall PressThe Devil’s Draper Donna MooreAdult Fiction Paperback276pp£11.99978191578940201/05/25
Lurid EditionsIn Transit Brigid BrophyAdult Classic Fiction Paperback322pp£12.99978173974417501/05/25
Bullaun PressThe Rarest Fruit Gaëlle BélemAdult Fiction Paperback224pp£13978173984238301/05/25
SRL PublishingBroken Compass Robbie DanielsAdult Fiction Hardback330pp£16.99978191507345706/05/25
Wild Hunt Books(Don’t) Call Mum Matt WesolowskiAdult Fiction Paperback130pp££12.99978173945804108/05/25
Renard PressTime/Life Catherine MayerAdult Fiction Paperback208pp£10978180447141814/05/25
PrototypeSilk Work Imogen Cassels PoetryPaperback72pp£12.99978191351372615/05/25
Jantar PublishingKytice Karel Jaromír ErbenAdult Classic PoetryPaperback120pp£14.99978191499028115/05/25
Palavro PublishingThe In-Between Molly O'DowdYoung Adult Fiction Paperback250pp£12.99978191174003215/05/25
Renard PressUncanny Stories May SinclairAdult Classic Fiction Paperback208pp£8.99978180447148719/05/25
Renard PressA High Calling or Where Do You Get Your Ideas From? John GreeningAdult Non-Fiction Royal paperback224pp£14.99978180447149421/05/25
Deixis PressParallels James KinsleyAdult Fiction paperback210pp£9.99978191709007022/05/25
Afsana PressThe Man Who Was a Tree Goran Baba AliAdult Fiction Paperback320pp£13.99978173855529127/05/25
Ghost Orchid PressHold My Heart Koji A. DaeAdult Fiction Paperback120pp£9.99978106852071627/05/25
PrototypeFair: The Life-Art of Translation Jen CallejaNon-Fiction Paperback280pp£12.99978191351373329/05/25
Istros BooksTime, Death and the Unspeakable Secret Mircea EliadeAdult Classic Fiction paperback280pp£13.99978191254551330/05/25
Renard PressJapanese Fairy Tales Yei Theodora OzakiAdult Classic Fiction Paperback256pp£8.99978180447150002/06/25
Fly on the Wall PressGRQ Steven BernsteinAdult Fiction Paperback190pp£10.99978191578946402/06/25
Scratch BooksFailed Summer Vacation Heuijung HurAdult Fiction Paperback200pp£10.99978106835550903/06/25
Aurora Metro BooksThe Wilder Path Deborah TomkinsAdult Fiction Paperback300pp£11.99978191079868303/06/25
Renard PressThree Guineas Virginia WoolfAdult Classic Non-Fiction Paperback224pp£7.99978180447034312/06/25
Dead InkMake a Home of Me Vanessa SantosAdult Fiction Paperback192pp£10.99978191536882912/06/25
Corylus BooksBroken Jon Atli JonassonAdult Fiction Hardback/Paperback280pp£9.99978173929899912/06/25
Mercier PressCamarade Theo DorganAdult Fiction Paperback384pp€16.99978191745319612/06/25
Strange RegionVocal Inhabitants VariousAdult Fiction PoetryPaperback120pp£11978173978402716/06/25
époque pressSPIT David BrennanAdult Fiction Paperback304pp£10.99978106871621817/06/25
Fly on the Wall PressThe Others Sheena KalayilAdult Fiction Paperback330pp£12.99978191578938919/06/25
Claret PressSecrets of MicroPublishing Katie IsbesterAdult Non-Fiction Paperback170pp£14.99978191046178519/06/25
Wild Hunt BooksThe Off-Season Jodie RobinsAdult Fiction Paperback130pp£12.99978173945808926/06/25
Palavro PublishingWhere Do My Roots Go? Zara Ahsan KazkouzehChildren's Fiction Paperback30pp£12.99978191174002530/06/25
Pamenar PressTo One / To Multiple Jèssica Pujol DuranAdult PoetryPaperback112pp£15978191534119801/07/25
Palavro PublishingTalking to a Pie About Walking the Dog Katy FraserAdult Non-Fiction Paperback200pp£12.99978191174004902/07/25
Renard PressThe Camomile: An Invention Catherine CarswellAdult Classic Fiction Paperback224pp£8.99978180447151707/07/25
SRL PublishingSleeping Evan BaldockAdult Fiction Paperback362pp£9.9997891507343308/07/25
Deixis PressThe Youngster Bibi BerkiAdult Fiction paperback274pp£9.99978191709009417/07/25
Books on the Hill PressThe Beach Cabin Fern BrittonAdult Fiction PaperbackTBCpp£8.99978191360347219/07/25
Major BooksTreasury of Vietnamese Fairy Tales –Volume 1 Nguyễn Đồng ChiChildren's Young Adult Adult Classic Fiction HardbackTBCpp£24.99978191723308801/08/25
Ortac PressDetour: Photography as Antidepressant Therapy Abele NavinAdult Non-Fiction Paperback164pp£30978173846674004/08/25
Deixis PressThe Grieving Eye: A Compendium of Love and Loss Lena AtougAdult Non-Fiction paperback206pp£9.99978191709011714/08/25
Books on the Hill PressThe Wasp Factory Iain BanksAdult Fiction PaperbackTBCpp£14.99978191360348928/08/25
Books on the Hill PressDecendant Iain M BanksAdult Fiction PaperbackTBCpp£8.99978191360349628/08/25
Fly on the Wall PressWitchborne Rachel GrosvenorAdult Fiction Paperback276pp£11.99978191578942601/09/25
Claret PressWhite Road Harry WhiteheadAdult Fiction Paperback288pp£12.99978191046180808/09/25
Jantar PublishingThe Grandmother Božena NěmcováAdult Classic Fiction Paperback300pp£14.99978191499029818/09/25
Renard PressRelearning to Read Ann MorganAdult Non-Fiction Paperback272pp£10978180447132601/10/25
Fly on the Wall PressThe Water That May Come Amy LilwallAdult Fiction Paperback320pp£12.99978191578944001/10/25
Palavro PublishingBlood Red Sky Sara CullenYoung Adult Fiction Paperback300pp£12.99978191174005601/12/25

Backlist titles

NB: For sales and distribution information please click on the publisher’s name (opens in a new tab).

Press NameBook TitleAuthorAge rangeGenreFormatExtentRRPISBNPub Date
Renard Press100 Paintings Jack Michael StaceyAdult Theatre Paperback100pp£7.99978180447012111/05/22
Guppy Books100 Tales from the Tokyo Ghost Café Julian SedgwickChildren's Young Adult Fiction Paperback240pp£10.99978191310188601/11/23
Arachne Press100neHundred Laura BesleyAdult Fiction A format Paperback112pp£8.99978191366527227/05/21
Sinoist Books1566 Series (Book 1): The Taoist Emperor Liu HepingAdult Fiction Paperback352pp£10.99978191076059821/08/20
Sinoist Books1566 Series (Book 2): The Imperial Governor Liu HepingAdult Fiction Paperback392pp£10.99978191076061121/02/21
Sinoist Books1566 Series (Book 4): The Emperor’s Nemesis Liu HepingAdult Fiction Paperback334pp£10.99978191076066627/05/22
Dead Ink808s and Otherworlds Sean Avery MedlinAdult Non-Fiction PoetryPaperback96pp£9.99978191158588614/04/22
Inspired Quill900 Miles E.J. RunyonAdult Fiction Paperback232pp£9.99978190860093627/03/20
SarabandA Case of Matricide Graeme Macrae BurnetAdult Fiction Hardback244pp£14.99978191681217803/10/24
Palavro PublishingA Collection of Wildflowers Charly WhiteAdult PoetryPaperback196pp£12.99978191209229124/03/24
Claret PressA Contrary Journey with Velvel Zbarzher, Bard Jill CulinerAdult Non-Fiction Paperback282pp£12.99978191046143314/09/21
Sinoist BooksA Crowded Silence Li LanniAdult Fiction Paperback500pp£19.99978191076032110/01/19
Dead InkA Dedicated Friend Shirley LongfordAdult Fiction Paperback72pp£5.99978191158544201/09/18
Fly on the Wall PressA Dedication to Drowning Maeve McKennaAdult PoetryPaperback36pp£6.99978191321173818/02/22
PrototypeA FINGER IN THE FISHES MOUTH Derek JarmanAdult Poetry114pp£14.99978191351363406/11/24
Istros BooksA Handful of Sand Marinko KoščecAdult Fiction Paperback250pp£9.99978190823607420/01/13
Renard PressA Hanging George OrwellAdult Classic Non-Fiction Paperback40pp£5978180447088627/09/23
PrototypeA History Dan BurtAdult PoetryPaperback32pp£9.99978191351336803/10/22
Tippermuir BooksA History of Irish Republicanism in Dundee c1840 to 1985 Rút Nic FoirbeisAdult Non-Fiction Paperback580pp£15.00978191383627601/04/24
Inspired QuillA House Of Light And Stone E.J. RunyonAdult Fiction Paperback302pp£9.99978190860040019/09/14
Renard PressA Letter to a Hindu Leo TolstoyAdult Classic Non-Fiction Pamphlet48pp£5978191372401617/11/20
Renard PressA Letter to a Young Poet Virginia WoolfAdult Classic Non-Fiction Paperback60pp£5978180447120302/11/24
Sinoist BooksA Looking-Glass World Feng JicaiAdult Fiction Hardback216pp£14.99978183890514914/06/21
Sinoist BooksA Man and his Horse Xie WenweiAdult Fiction Paperback238pp£19.99978191076044410/04/18
Ignite BooksA Marvellous Party Ian ElmslieAdult Non-Fiction paperback320pp£14.00978099320442501/10/17
Tippermuir BooksA Most Unsuitable Game: Celebrating Scottish Women’s Football Fifty Years After the Ban Karen Fraser, Julie McNeill and Fiona Skillen (Editors)Young Adult Adult Non-Fiction Paperback252pp£9.99978191383641201/09/24
SRL PublishingA Novel Solution Sue ClarkAdult Fiction Paperback320pp£9.99978191507328011/06/24
Arachne PressA Pocketful of Chalk Claire BookerAdult PoetryB format Paperback54pp£9.99978191366569228/07/22
Pamenar PressA Poem Thinks Itself Out In Final Lines I Un poema pénsase con versos finais Chus PatoAdult Non-Fiction PoetryPaperback58pp£12978191534116705/01/24
Renard PressA Room of One’s Own Virginia WoolfAdult Classic Non-Fiction Paperback152pp£7.99978191372400923/10/20
Books on the Hill PressA Scandal In Bohemia Arthur Conan DoyleYoung Adult Adult Classic Fiction Paperback75pp£8.99978191360322926/10/23
Dead InkA Scarab Where the Heart Should Be Marieke BiggAdult Fiction Paperback230pp£10.9912/09/24
Tippermuir BooksA Scottish Wildlife Odyssey Keith BroomfieldAdult Non-Fiction Paperback180pp£9.99‎ 978191383613914/03/22
Books on the Hill PressA Stamp Of A Criminal Peter JamesYoung Adult Adult Fiction Paperback74pp£8.99978191360327401/06/23
Istros BooksA Swarm of Dust Evald FlisarAdult Fiction Paperback190pp£9.99978190823638825/06/18
Claret PressA Very Important Teapot Steve SheppardAdult Fiction Paperback268pp£10.99978191046140218/10/19
Renard PressA Vindication of the Rights of Woman and A Vindication of the Rights of Men Mary WollstonecraftAdult Classic Non-Fiction Paperback364pp£7.99978191372494827/09/22
Arachne PressA Voice Coming from Then Jeremy DixonAdult PoetryPaperback84pp£9.99978191366540126/08/21
Arachne PressA470: Poems for the Road/Cerddi’r Ffordd VariousAdult PoetryB format Paperback112pp£9.99978191366555501/03/22
Héloïse PressAbandonment Erminia Dell'OroAdult Fiction Paperback256pp£12.95978173845940719/09/24
Dead InkAbove us the Sea Ania CardAdult Fiction Paperback368pp£10.99978191536851511/07/24
Istros BooksAbsolution Ales StegerAdult Fiction Paperback208pp£9.99978190823630210/04/17
Dead InkAbsorbed Kylie WhiteheadAdult Fiction 246pp£9.99978183817160527/05/21
Arachne PressAccidental Flowers Lily PetersAdult Fiction Royal Paperback168pp£9.99978191366533324/06/21
Guppy BooksActivist Louisa ReidYoung Adult Fiction Paperback336pp£7.99978191310174901/09/22
Renard PressAdam’s Breed Radclyffe HallAdult Classic Fiction Paperback320pp£8.99978180447028225/12/24
SRL PublishingAdolescent Summers Cameron JamesAdult Fiction Paperback300pp£9.99978191507339623/07/24
Deixis PressAfter Silence Jessica GregsonAdult Fiction Paperback474pp£12.99978183849876409/08/22
Deixis PressAfter Silence – Hardback Jessica GregsonAdult Fiction Hardback474pp£19.99978183849879509/08/23
Scorpius BooksAfter The End (Dyslexic-friendly edition) GJ StevensAdult Fiction Paperback450pp£9.99978183836609431/08/23