Arachne Press
Arachne Press is a small, independent publisher of inclusive award-winning short fiction, award winning poetry and (very) select non-fiction, for adults and children. We prioritise publication of LGBTQ+ writers disabled writers, Global Majority writers, older women writers, and writers who are geographically isolated. Our YA books have been nominated for the Carnegie Medal, and won the 2022 Holyer An Gof YA award, and the Ann Trevenen Jenkin cup. Jeremy Dixon’s A Voice Coming From Then won the 2022 Wales Book of the Year English Language Poetry award.
Arachne Press is committed to showcasing talented writing, and treating writers as they would wish to be treated, which includes our approach to inclusive publishing (and events), with BSL interpretation and translation; working with Welsh language poets, creating Audiobooks, and actively seeking out as wide a range of authors and poets as possible.
Publisher address:
100 Grierson Road
London SE23 1NX
Email: outreach@arachnepress.com
Website: https://arachnepress.com
UK Sales: Inpress Books https://inpressbooks.co.uk/
UK Distribution: BookSource https://www.booksource.net/

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