Scorpius Books
Scorpius Books was founded with the core belief that great stories should be for everyone, and publish dynamic fiction across multiple genres. With their first title in mid-pandemic 2020, they became the first publisher in the UK to produce dyslexic-friendly fiction for adults, something that didn’t exist prior to this. It was as if the publishing industry believed dyslexia to be something you grow out of. They want to break the rules of publishing and the ‘that’s the way it’s always been done’ narrative, with their dyslexic-friendly range, their strong eco policies and wrist-saving paperback-sized hardbacks, to name just a few.
Scorpius Books has been lucky to work with amazing authors, both debut and established, and in 2024 will be working with Gerry Anderson Productions and ITV to publish three dyslexic-friendly Thunderbirds adventures, based on the iconic TV series.
They were finalists for the British Dyslexia Association’s Innovation Award 2023, and are part of the Small Business Sunday Network run by Theo Papthitis.
Publisher address:
10 Erle Havard Road
West Bergholt
Essex CO6 3LH
Email: mail@scorpiusbooks.com
Website: https://www.scorpiusbooks.com
UK Sales: Jacqueline Kibby https://www.scorpiusbooks.com
UK Distribution: Gardners http://www.gardners.com/

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