Image © Louis Monier

Location: Belgium

Published by Héloïse Press

Publicity contact:

Caroline Lamarche

Caroline Lamarche (Liège, 1955) is one of the most important contemporary Belgian authors. She studied Romance Studies at the University of Liège. Her debut novel Le jour du chien (Minuit, 1996) received the Prix Rossel. She is the author of eleven novels and six short stories, including the collection of short stories Nous sommes à la lisière (Gallimard, 2019) which received the prestigious Prix Goncourt de la nouvelle.

Translated by Katherine Gregor, who is a full-time literary translator from Italian and French. She was on the Premio Straga Jury in 2020. Her translation credits include Stefanis Auci’s The Florios of Sicily (HarperVia), Marion Brunet’s Summer of Reckoning (Bitter Lemon), Donato Carrisi’s Into the Labyrinth (Little, Brown), and Sylvain Tesson’s Berenzina (Europa Editions).