Accidental Flowers
Women march together in protest at a government reneging on climate promises. Two glorified paper pushers in Spain help British ex-pats escape a heatwave that will soon lay waste to most of southern Europe. A twitter storm erupts in the panic of a real tempest. In the northeast, a beloved allotment sinks below the waterline. Sea levels rise, toxic rain falls and the earth poisons the food that grows in it. The elite, and winners of the life lottery, are evacuated to giant towers. As a notional government tries to keep control at ground level, eco warriors, protestors and radical ‘allotmenteers’ proliferate. In the towers, new blueprints for the regime of the future are drawn up. For many, a decision has to be made between living safe or living free.

Lily Peters
Lily Peters was born and happily raised in a book-filled house in south east London, however she has lived in the north-east for over a decade. Lily is a secondary school teacher of modern foreign languages and is about to finish a creative writing MA. She is currently working on a novel, loosely based on the life of her German Oma (grandmother). She is a greyhound enthusiast.