sincere corkscrew
sincere corkscrew was founded in early 2021 to publish the anthology of “new(er) writing”, World-dreem. Co-edited by Ian Macartney and Tom Byam Shaw, the anthology features twenty-two writers traversing work in prose,poetry and hybrids between the two. A lot of the contributors hail from the late-10s Aberdeen literary scene, but also features luminaries such as the national slam champion of Pakistan, Orooj-e-Zaffar, and poetry icon Savannah Brown. After some experiments in riso- and micro-printing, sincere corkscrew has now returned as a publisher for short prose. This began with the Danish visual artist Aske Hyldborg Jensen’s book Ammonia Sunrise – a book which reads like Barthesian dispatches from another dimension. We are currently working on our next publication, soliciting future authors, and wrangling with InDesign 🙂
Publisher address:
Email: sincerecorkscrew@gmail.com
Website: https://sincerecorkscrew.neocities.org/
Click here for sales and distribution outside the UK
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