Poetry on foot

28 July 2024, 2p.m.
Sussex Prairies Henfield


Come to Sussex Prairies Henfield 28th July from 2pm for Poetry on foot: a walk around the gardens and farm with poems from Claire Booker’s collection A Pocketful of Chalk, and poems and stories from Byways, with Annemarie Cooper, Katie Margaret Hall, Marcus Smith, Jane McLaughlin, complete with appropriate songs from Summer All Year Long. Wear sensible footwear, as we will be taking to field paths. If a stick will help you, please bring it. As our plans develop we will create a map of where we will be reading and roughly when There will be stewards in hi vis to help you find us. Summer All Year Long will sing to attract attention! (Undercover if wet).

The gardens are beautiful and the cafe is excellent!

No need to book, but if you could drop us an email to say you are coming that would be useful.

Books will be available to buy, and the authors will be happy to sign them.

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