Under the Shell

David Wilkinson

Venetia Jackson (Cover Design)

Inspired Quill



ISBN: 9781908600738


Publication date: 23 June 2018

Rights: World



Engalise is a city under siege.

Without a government or the usual series of formal laws, relative peace is kept under the premise of the Ten Free Rights of the Individual.

Freedom Protection Agent Jaq Pilakin specialises in investigating violations against the First Right: life. As a freelancer, she’s forced to pick up the less lucrative cases cast aside by the big agencies, and stumbles into a scene where an artillery strike by the besieging forces has left a plumber dead under the rubble.

As Pilakin digs deeper into the case, she finds a trail of murders – and a would-be murderer finds her. When she finally identifies the perpetrator, it turns out she holds Engalise’s entire fate in her own bloodstained hands.

David Wilkinson

David lives in Ashby de la Zouch, land of Jaffa Cakes, Ivanhoe, the National Forest and Adrian Mole’s Cappuccino Years. He is a physicist and, after years of being a research scientist for the Government, now works for the Institute of Physics. Married, his wife eventually got fed up with him talking about all the books he was going to write and told him to get on with it or shut up.

Writing science fiction in a universe he has been perfecting for decades, his stories are devoted to plot and characters. Influences range from Asimov, Niven-Pournelle and childhood science fiction through to the new style Battle Star Galactica. Having learned his trade with Writing East Midlands, he is now a member of the established Leicester Writers Club.David fills his time outside of authoring and his full time job with raising two children, being a visiting fellow at Nottingham Trent University and walking two tiny dogs.