Death’s Edge (The Rune Caster Chronicles
Perfect for fans of Ilona Andrews, Kevin Hearne, Jim Butcher and Patricia Briggs!
Running an inn should be an easy job. That is if you’re not Nathan Mercer — owner of the only refuge for supernatural creatures in the world.
Ever since the fae discovered Winter’s Wolf lives; Nathan has been bracing himself for an inevitable confrontation. But when a ruthless killer leaves a trail of blood across Portland, Nathan’s past and present collide in ways no one could have foreseen. With some help from his friends, and one immortal love, Nathan races to stop the killer and protect his family.
Winter’s Wolf is done hiding.
John Ortega
John is the fifth of seven children. Raised with a love for mythology he would spend hours scouring the internet for anything fantastical that caught his eye. Since an early age he look both inward and outward using his imagination to add a bit of magic to the world. Over the years he has worked in many jobs from retail sales to customer service in the health industry but his one true passion has always been writing.
A book devourer he would read anything that had to do with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Crime. Recently he took the plunge from reader to author and his debut novel Storm’s Child is the first book in the Rune Caster Chronicles Series. He currently lives in Puerto Rico with his super dog Noah and is working on the next book in the series.
Author portrait © johnortega
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