Days & Days & Days
“It’s excellent, the Schunnesson.” Ian Sansom, TLS
Bibbs is just about to turn thirty-nine. She has been a reality show star but the good life is beginning to slip through her fingers and there seems to be a never-ending flow of unexpected expenditures. Her boyfriend, Baby, has always provided stability and when he dumps her out of the blue, she is also faced with an ultimatum: if she wants to keep the flat she must pay 100 000 Krona within a week. She no longer has access to that kind of money and Bibbs is forced to make extreme decisions. Days & Days & Days is a pitch perfect study of success and destruction, dependence and betrayal, celebrity and anonymity.

Tone Schunnesson
Tone Schunnesson (Malmö, 1988) is a Swedish writer. She studied Creative Writing and debuted in 2016 with Trip Reports which received critical acclaim and was shortlisted for the Borås Tidning’s Debutant Prize. Her first non-fiction book Tone: Round-Trip Ticket (2022) is a collection of political Gonzo essays. Days & Days & Days is her second novel.
Translated by Saskia Vogel, who was born and raised in Los Angeles and now lives in its sister city, Berlin, where she works as a writer, screenwriter, and translator from Swedish and German into English. In 2021 she was awarded the Berlin Senate grant for non-German literature, an English PEN Translates Award, and was a PEN America Translation Prize finalist. She was Princeton’s Fall 2022 Translator in Residence.