The Squire

Enid Bagnold

Read by Juliet Aubrey

Spiracle Audiobooks & Persephone Books


Extent: 8:45:00

Audiobook ISBN: SPI-E-PER-00001

RRP: £12

Publication date: 1 April 2022


This audiobook is published with Persephone Books

Enid Bagnold’s The Squire is the only novel in English to depict childbirth in detail. Refreshingly unsentimental, it speaks of an aspect of life that all human beings experience. As the squire talks to her young daughter, Lucy, she thinks about life and exclaims ‘what an invention for pleasure and for pain!’ Knowing that life, ‘this visitation of matter’, is a brief thing, which makes it all the more necessary to relish it.

Cover: Liana Finck