Goat Star Books
Our project starts from the idea that poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world, according to the famous words of Percy Bysse Shelley. Our vocation is to use the translation of poetry as a bridge of understanding between cultures, making known different voices both from the present and from the past and both in Spain and in the United Kingdom. In November 2021 we published our first book “The Poetry of Science” and in March 2022 “Popping Corn” came out. “The Poetry of Science” is a bilingual anthology in English and Catalan of the poems of Majorcan scientist and poet Àngel Terron. “Popping Corn” is the bilingual edition of “Poemitas de maiz” by Mendigo Diego, pseudonym of the Spanish poet Manolo Marcos, a multidisciplinary and multifaceted artist: poet, musician and painter. The poems in this collection, published for the first time in both Spanish and English, are imbued with the spirit of surrealism and inspired by a range of voices, from the Peruvian poet César Vallejo to the “koans” of Zen Buddhism. In December 2022, our third book came out, “Keats Now”, a selection of poems by John Keats also in a bilingual English-Spanish edition. Our fourth book, “Crimson Pashmina”, a collection of poems by Pakistani-based poet Danial Danish, will come out in January 2024. We are currently working on a bilingual anthology of the poems of Bill Lewis, based in Rochester and founding member of the Medway poets.
Publisher address:
76 Dron House
Adelina Grove
London E1 3AB
Email: goatstarbooks@gmail.com
Website: http://goatstarbooks.com
UK Sales: Rafael Cruz http://goatstarbooks.com
UK Distribution: Self-distributed http://goatstarbooks.com

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