Diamond Books

We founded Diamond Books and its first imprint, Diamond Crime, in May 2021. We, the three founders, are not only published crime authors, but also experienced TV and film producer/directors and script writers. One of us even ran an AiM quoted media company. Our aim was to create an independent publisher that could bring on writers, provide a platform for them and explore opportunities for developing treatments and scripts for TV and film.

We have just published our twenty-third book and are starting to identify avenues of adaptation of suitable books to screenplays and TV series formats. We already have some interest from the UK and Canada. One of our directors, Phil Rowlands, has Canadian Citizenship and is a member of the Crime Writers of Canada.

Publisher address:

10, Bailiffs Close
Somerset BS26 2AZ

Email: info@diamondbooks.co.uk
Website: https://diamondbooks.co.uk/

UK Distribution: Gardners https://www.gardners.com/
Click here for sales and distribution outside the UK