Location: Norfolk, UK
Rachel Goodman
Formerly an actor and BBC presenter, Rachel moved back to her native Norfolk coast 28 years ago to raise a family and to write. In 2017 she graduated with distinction from the MA in Creative Writing: Poetry at UEA (University of East Anglia) where she also received the Brian Heiser Memorial Scholarship.
Her poems have been published in Magma, Aesthetica, Under the Radar, Finished Creatures, The Alchemy Spoon, Ink Sweat & Tears, Lighthouse Journal, Fenland Poetry Journal, Tears in the Fence. She was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize 2017 and 2021.
Her first book, Knee to Knee, a collaboration with poet Elvire Roberts is published by Dialect Press.
She is currently writing about grief, the astonishment of loss, coastal erosion and where we place body and memory when the ground has gone from beneath our feet.
Books by this author: