Over Her Dead Body
Recently divorced and bereaved, Gabby Dixon is trying to start a new chapter in her life. As her new life begins, it ends. On paper at least. But Gabby is still very much alive. Gabby has one question: who would want her dead, and why? PI team Peddyr and Connie Quirk vow to help Gabby find out who’s behind her sudden death.

A B Morgan
Dubbed ‘Bedford’s Queen of Crime’, Alison Morgan is an award-winning author of quirky mystery and suspense novels, a narrator and public speaker. ‘Over Her Dead Body’, the first in her most recent series, was shortlisted for the 2022 Rubery Book Award for Fiction. She has been applauded for ‘being refreshingly different within the genre’, and for a ‘clever, witty, writing style’.
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