Almost Adult
Hope’s leaving her home town up north for the bright lights of London. It’s going to be mind-blowing. Attractive Hinge dates, mature new friends… A job at a dinosaur-themed bar? Hell. Yes.
Several months in things are looking slightly less rosy. Her housemate seems to hate her and her manager’s a creep… But we don’t need to talk about that. Do we?
Almost Adult is a brilliantly funny play that lays bare the darker side of slick modern workplaces and the underhand employment practices that police them – or fail to – with stunning lightness of touch.

Charlotte Anne-Tilley
Charlotte Anne-Tilley is an award-winning actor, writer and producer. She trained at LAMDA and, since then, has been creating tragicomic theatre that combines quick-witted comic characters with gripping drama. Charlotte’s work has been showcased at Gilded Balloon (Edinburgh Fringe), The Space Arts Centre, Etcetera Theatre, the Old Red Lion Theatre and the Bread and Roses Theatre. Charlotte has won the OffWestEnd OffComm Award, 4theatre Best Debut Performance, Everything Theatre Award for Ingenuity and was nominated for Voice Magazine’s Editors’ Choice Award. Charlotte also champions female and non-binary work across the performance industry and hosts the #FemiFringe Podcast.
Author portrait © YellowBelly Photo
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